Checking In With Yourself After The New Year

The first two months of the new year are now behind us. It’s time to check in with yourself and your New Year’s resolutions. Statistically, most people who create resolutions each year don’t follow through with them. Even if that’s you, don’t wait until next year to try again to reach your goals. Here are a few tips to revitalize your resolutions.

Let it Go:

January represents a new year and to many a fresh start. But in reality, January was just a few weeks ago. If you’re still reflecting on last year’s struggles, it’s time to acknowledge those feelings. The sooner you can accept it, the sooner you can move forward and focus on the present. 

Take it One Step at a Time:

If you’re reviewing your New Year’s resolutions and goals and you’re feeling overwhelmed, chances are your goals are too big or that there are too many. Break down your list before it breaks you down. There’s no need to let it overwhelm you. Pick one goal at a time and focus on that. 

Listen to Yourself:

It’s okay to aim high, but it’s also important to be realistic. Don’t make an impossible goal that will only frustrate you when it doesn’t get accomplished. The best resolutions are the most realistic. As you start to hit your goals and resolutions, you can begin to aim higher while still maintaining reasonable goals. 

Be Consistent:

Successful people form long term habits. If you want your resolution to be a reality, turn your goal into a habit. To hold yourself accountable, make it a routine to review your resolutions. This will help you hold yourself accountable as well as show you how much you’ve accomplished. 

Stop Planning and Start Achieving:

If you didn’t reach your resolution, you didn’t want it enough. You can hope for your goals, but only your own actions will help you achieve them. Your resolutions aren’t just for the first day of the year or even the first month – they never expire. You can put them into action anytime. Even if you take a break, pick it back up. Don’t wait until next year to make it a goal again. 

Lexi Schwartz MSW LSW


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