Tips For Getting Through Covid-19 With Your Children

During this trying time, it is important to know everyone is feeling an increase in anxiety. To help get your family, friends and neighbors through this complicated time the following actions are advised:

  • Tell your children the truth (in an age appropriate way)

  • Be mindful of where you are getting your daily news/information from

  • Be mindful of how much news you are allowing your children to view

  • Keep your children on a regular daily schedule (write it out each evening for the next day)

  • Keep a good balance of work and activity in your child’s schedule

  • Get outside when the weather permits

  • Take advantage of the free virtual museum tours (British Museum, London Guggenheim, New York -National Gallery of Art, Washington DC Musee d Orsay, Paris National Museum of Modern Contemporary Art, Seoul Pergamon Museum, Berlin Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam Uffizi Gallery, Florence (to name a few)

  • Take advantage of free virtual dance classes, concerts and broadways shows

  • Give your children additional chores around the house (it will make them feel a part of the solution adding internal security)

  • Have your children help prepare meals

  • Create a nightly family game night

  • Set aside time before dinner to let your children ask questions or express their concern for the day

  • Make sure your children unplug during the day when possible

  • Make sure children are getting the appropriate hours of sleep for their age nightly

  • Try periods of mindfulness daily (download free apps)

  • Check on your elderly family members and neighbors 

Know that the majority of therapists have moved to a medical compliant telehealth model. Don’t hesitate to contact your mental health professional for assistance to get through this trying time.

Putting Your Children First


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