Staying Normal In An Abnormal Time

I hope these tips from our family to yours are thoughtful and add to the list each of you are creating daily. Creating a sense of normal and catching up on tasks we often do not have enough time to do will create a sense of satisfaction, calm and normalcy.

  • make your bed daily in the am

  • change your clothes daily even if they are comfy clothes

  • light candles throughout your home

  • eat in the dining room or set your table like your having company (use the family china)

  • change batteries in smoke detectors safes and other battery-operated item in your home

  • register to vote for the primaries

  • fill out your 2020 census

  • update your passwords 

  • review and update all insurance policies

  • donate blood (if you are able)

  • change your toothbrush

  • light a fire on cold dreary days

  • start a list of things that need to fix or get done around the house when were able to do more (having things to look forward to in the future)

Stay home and stay safe, with gratitude 

Shana Schwartz MSS LCSW



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