Transitioning Into Adulthood After College

Summertime is quickly approaching, and this season brings a lot of changes. If you are a young adult having trouble transitioning from college into adulthood, you are not alone. You have just completed something you were extremely familiar and comfortable with for the past four years. Now you are uncertain about what to do next and how to take the first steps into adulthood. So, here are a few tips to help you with your new transition. 

Create a Contract:

If you are moving back in with your parents after college, sit down with your family and create a contract. This is important so everyone knows what to expect now that you are back home. Remember this is a big change for everyone involved. 


You are now entering into a working lifestyle. It is important to build your social network as you begin your career. Go to professional development workshops, meet with adults in your community and learn about their jobs and their career paths. You never know who or how you may be able to help each other in the future. 

Determine your Financial Situation:

If you want to be independent, you will need to be able to live off what you earn. Most young graduates do not make a lot of money. Be prepared for expenses to be tight and make sure you are spending responsibly. Be patient – eventually you will earn more. For now, be responsible and don’t spend more than you earn.

Accept your Working Environment:

You will likely be accepting a job that has something that you aren’t happy with. It could be the salary, the location, or even the hours. It is important to understand that your first job out of college is likely not your dream job or your forever job. Consider it as a stepping stone and learning opportunity for your future. 

Considering your Career:

Determining what you want to do in life is a process, and one that is likely to change throughout your life. Use your current work situation to help you figure out what you like and what you don’t like. Your early work career is extremely important. It helps you learn about yourself and what you ultimately want for your future career. 

Transitions in life are always tough, but preparing and understanding what your next steps should be will help you have a successful transition into your next stage. 

Lexi Schwartz MSW LSW


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