Preparing For 2022 And Your Child’s Growth

As we enter the last month of 2021, it is a good opportunity to focus on the upcoming year. January is a fresh start and oftentimes a jumping off point to change things at home to promote growth for your children.


Your children are able to do more than they could in September, so take a quiet moment and analyze their abilities and growth. Can they start to do their own laundry? Can they start to help prepare meals with or without parental assistance? It does not matter how large or small a task is, what is important is that you allow your child the opportunity to learn by trying things themselves and taking on new responsibilities. Remember chores allow children to feel safe, secure, loved and a member of a greater community than themselves.


The new year is an opportunity to focus on how your child manages money or setting them up to independently manage their money. Starting this at any age is important. Remembering your goal is when they turn eighteen and go forth on their chapter in their life they can maturely handle finances and have a strong awareness of both earning and spending needs.


Start a conversation and set one small or large goal depending on your child’s age. Have a monthly meeting to discuss their progress. 


Review with your child how they think the beginning of their academic year has gone and where they would like it to go next. Be open to how they see their progress and practice good listening before offering parental input. Your job is to meet your child where they are at and build them up.


Take this opportunity to review the house rules in your home and add and subtract as needed for the upcoming year. As the parent you should think through what is important to you then ask the children for their input as well. Remember you are the ultimate authority in your home but it is helpful for buy-in if you include your child in the process.

Although our world is still ever changing, the above suggestions are ways to keep your home and children feeling like they are moving forward in a safe, productive and somewhat normal direction.

Shana Schwartz MSS LCSW


Summer Reflection In October


Setting School Year Goals