Summer Reflection In October

October, while the sun is still shining, is a wonderful month to get your children’s summer reflections. Did they like the programs they attended this past summer? Do they want to return to them? Do they want to do something different next summer? Did they find personal success and growth in these programs?

After time has elapsed through the month of September, children often can better articulate how their entire summer experience was from an emotional perspective and typically be more honest about their social experiences as well. For many, they know if friendships have stuck or gone away with the cool weather entering.

Asking these questions will allow you as a parent to begin early research for next summer. Taking your time to assess and find the best activities and programs for your children is essential in their developmental growth. We want their minds stimulated and bodies to be physically active during summer months. Planning early can assist with managing your budget and potential childcare needs as well.

As the seasons change we get busy and caught up in the active busy lives of our families. Many families find themselves scrambling for ideas and being shut out of programs as they have put off such research and planning.

As October first arrives, we often don’t think to look back but only forward into the current academic, social and emotional needs of our children.  However, it is a great time to make note of how they think their summer experience was as well as what you thought as a parent after getting a bit of time from the summer to have passed. You may need to commit to programs in October, but you should have your short list prepared to go back to in early January before enrollments fill up.

Asking your therapist or counselor for ideas to fit your child’s needs, as they know your children, could assist in getting the creative juices flowing and thoughts for the future in place with assurance for success.

Shana Schwartz MSS LCSW


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