How to assist your kids when the world events hit home

When world events are spilling into our homes, schools and community at large how best can we support our children?

1.) Tell them the truth but the age-appropriate truth

Facts can be scary but it is always best practice to tell your children the truth keeping in mind their age and cognitive ability.

2.) Show them how to research current facts and history so they can individually determine what their view of a situation is

Teaching your children to seek out the truth and what position they chose to side with should be up to them. To assist them in making choices it is our responsibility as parents to show them how to access information both current and historical.

3.) Monitor where they get their news or information from

While it is important to research themselves it is incredibly easy to stumble upon radicalizing or disinformation centered content. Ensure they are using age appropriate and trusted information outlets.

4.)Monitor their social medial use

This can become overwhelming and add to a flood of emotion as well as become sensory overload with the number of hours a day they will be receiving information on their social medial platforms.

5.) Make sure they are still participating in their daily life activities

When possible a needed distraction can create balance in their lives. Try to keep as much of their daily schedule as typical or expected as possible.

6.) Make sure their daily diet stays as balanced

Being mindful of eating regularly, drinking water, sleeping through the night and getting proper physical activity is important when receiving heavy and complicated news reports consistently on a daily basis.

7.) College Students

Checking in with your college age kids on a regular basis is important. Being mind-full of everything mentioned above as well as the understanding they are less able to find time to get a respite from information and conversation due to the environment they are living. Make sure your student has an outlet to manage the information and feelings they are experiencing.

If your see or sense signs of distress in your child seek professional assistance.


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