A mindful approach to your modern family’s needs.

Our Services

Child Therapy

Just like adults, there are times when children and adolescents need expert help to navigate problems in their lives. If you have concerns that your child is struggling, meeting with a child therapist is an excellent step to helping your child get back on course.

Adolescent Therapy

Adolescents are forced to juggle changes to their environment, body, and emotions. Many teens are not fully equipped with the problem solving skills they need to properly understand and manage these life changes as they come. This can result in feelings of being overwhelmed, acting out, rebellion, stress, and general struggling. If you have concerns that your adolescent is struggling, learn more about how therapy can help them break the cycle.

Collaborative Divorce

If you are preparing for a divorce but looking for a fair and less contentious method that keeps you and your spouse in control, Collaborative Divorce may be the best option for you. As a Collaborative Divorce Coach I help to guide couples through the divorce process, ensuring they maintain their voice and focus on finding a collaborative resolution.

Parenting Coordination - Court Ordered

It is not uncommon for the court to require divorcing couples to participate in Parent Coordination in order to agree on key aspects of their children’s care. Our mutual goal will be to calmly discuss both sides of the issue and come to a resolution that you can both follow.

Co-Parenting Coordination / Therapy

Parent Coordination was designed to help parents find a way to navigate the often tumultuous task of parenting their children post-divorce. Your Parent Coordinator will provide a non-adversarial platform for parents to discuss, implement, and apply court orders and parenting plans, as well as discuss any physical or mental health concerns relating to their children, and reduce the amount of discord that the children are exposed to.

Divorce Coaching

As a Divorce Coach, I start working with individuals one-on-one before the divorce process begins to help you become clear on what you want, educated on the process, and confident in your execution. We will explore: Do I even want a divorce? Is this the right time? What are the ramifications of marriage therapy? How do you go about getting a divorce? Divorce Coaching is an opportunity to sit down and process why you want to get divorced and create clarity around your options and plan of action.

LCSW Supervision

Obtaining your LSW is an important step on the road to becoming a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. If you are pursuing your LCSW, finding the right supervisor to complete your clinical supervision is important to your success. Shana Schwartz provides clinical supervision for LSW candidates seeking their LCSW.

Meet the Therapists

Shana Schwartz, MSS, LCSW, Founder & Therapist

Lexi (Schwartz) Muchnick, MSW, LCSW, Therapist